Sunday, May 20, 2012

First Appointment!

A few days ago, I went in for my x-rays and impressions!  It was a fairly easy visit.  Here's what happened:

First, they took about 16 X-rays.  It was the same as the x-rays taken at regular dentist appointments, except a few more pictures.

Next, the Dental Assistant took pictures of my smile & teeth in general.  She snapped about 7-8 of those: some of my smile and some of my actual teeth and some of my bite, etc.

Next were the impressions.  Basically, they took some trays that fit into your mouth and filled it with something that felt a little like loose play-dough.  She took a few of these impressions and made sure they were perfect.  This video shows what happens during the impressions:

And honestly, that was about it.  It took a little over an hour to get that done but it wasn't at all painful.  Now I have 4-6 weeks to wait for the trays to come in!  I'm excited but a little nervous about this process.  I'm looking forward to detailing this process on my blog to hopefully help someone else in their journey and help others to see what having Invisalign is like!

See you in 4-6 weeks!

Starting the Journey

Well I'm starting this journey and I'm very excited!  I've wanted to straighten my teeth for a while now and I now have the opportunity to do it.  I debated between braces and Invisalign for a while but decided on Invisalign for a few reasons:

Looks - I'm in my 30s and have a career where I interact with various people throughout the day.  I just didn't want to have to wear the silver braces.  I have no problem when other people do it, to each his own.  It just wasn't for me at this time in my life.
Time - I've been told by a few orthodontists that straightening my teeth is a simple case and that I shouldn't have the braces on for long.  However, everyone that I know that has had "simple" cases, and "shouldn't have to wear their braces for long" have had to wear them for 2 years or longer.  I've heard that the Invisalign time is close to what the dentist says up front.
Convenience - From what I understand, there are a list of things that folks can't eat when wearing braces.  So to avoid all of that, I went with Invisalign.

So, right or wrong, these are the reason that I chose Invisalign.  We will see if it will be worth it to have gotten them over braces!